The Ottoman Sultan II. It is a structure that belongs to Murat. In Bursa, it attracts attention to many tourists because it is in a distinguished position. It is an excellent opportunity to see the Murat bath with travel enthusiasts, which can be considered smaller than Istanbul. With the historical value of the place, it attracts the guests to itself. II. It was built by Murat in 1484, a very old facility and consists of a football -veiled ammunition, olive stone floors, domes, showers, other walls and a complementary satellite inn. Once, it hosted glorious mosaic horizons, colorful stained glass and marble stone works. Nevertheless, it has remained part of the old fame of the raw. Visitors will see a colorful sculpture series, old pot pieces and decorations in the region, used in the Middle Ages and a total of 600 clusters of seals. Currently Murat Bath provides an excellent atmosphere for history and cultural students. Touristic places such as Mosque) are also accessible. In addition to these historical buildings in Bursa, the Hisar Gate (Hisar Gate), Green Mausoleum), Muradiye Mosque (Metropolitan Mosque), Çekirge Bath (Çekirge Bath), Arabacılar Bazaar (Couchmen Bazaar) and Silk Cities It is possible to visit the works of many museums, churches and pottery artists here. Visitors offer many options to explore the differences of cultures and learn about Bursa. The travelers can also explore the Temple of Orhan Gazi and Orhan Gazi and Orhan Gazi Complex in Orhan Gazi and Osman Gazi Village and the beauties in Bursa National Park.
1. Murat Bath
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