Social memory appears as humanity's effort to hold on to its past. Questioning what we remember and what we forget is an effort to understand the meaning of being human. The 21st century education approach is not limited to schools; Learning takes place in various environments such as classroom, school, home, media and street. This is a point also emphasized by our 2023 Education Vision Document.
Museums as Places of Social Memory and Learning
Today, museums are considered an important tool in education. Museums enrich learning experiences by using every area as a learning environment and contribute positively to students' cognitive, emotional and social development.
Museums, which provide knowledge and awareness, offer a new area to develop creative thinking in children and have become an indispensable part of school education in many countries. Research shows that museum activities contribute positively to the cognitive and emotional development of individuals, making them more than just leisure activities.
Museums are also becoming increasingly important among educational environments that seek to make room for memory. The Memory of July 15 Museum, opened on the third anniversary of July 15, plays an important role in this field by revealing the coup attempts in Turkey and the evolution of the history of modern colonialism.
In this context, a protocol was signed between the Provincial Directorate of National Education and the 15 July Association. Provincial Director of National Education Mr. Levent Yazıcı, Strategy Branch Manager Mr. Timur Tuğral and 15 July Association President A. Tarık Şebik attended the protocol signing ceremony.
History Awareness, Culture and Accumulation
Provincial Director of National Education Levent Yazıcı, in his speech at the protocol signing ceremony, stated that this protocol is extremely meaningful for them. Emphasizing that they aim to raise students within the framework of national and spiritual values, Yazıcı drew attention to the importance of these values reflecting the dynamics, historical awareness, culture and knowledge of the society from years ago. Emphasizing that historical awareness and cultural accumulation are of vital importance in transferring values, Yazıcı stated that refreshing the memory will play an important role in preventing threats to the country. Stating that it is critical for the future that especially children and teachers be aware of historical and social memory, Yazıcı emphasized the importance of the July 15 treacherous coup attempt and touched upon the importance of children acting with leadership and responsibility in difficult times. Yazıcı stated that the memory museum is of great importance at this point.
Planned Museum Visits
Yazıcı stated that, as the Ministry of National Education, they aim to raise students not only academically but also as "double-winged" students. Stating that they care about the students being equipped with the skills of both today and the future and being able to use these skills for the benefit of the country, Yazıcı stated that they wish the new generations to be sensitive to both science and culture and to have moral values. Emphasizing that students have an important place in the events of July 15 in their history and that they can reinforce this awareness with museum visits, Yazıcı said that they want children to have a solid foundation in loyalty to their state and nation. Stating that they wish the cooperation protocol to continue for many years, Yazıcı emphasized that planned museum visits play an important role in the cultural and social development of students.
Life Stories of Our Heroes
Emphasizing that the treacherous coup attempt of the Fetullah Terrorist Organization on July 15 was a historical turning point, Yazıcı stated that it is very important to raise the awareness of children, teachers and the society in this process and to prevent threats to the country. He stated that the events that took place at night should be transferred to new generations and that teachers who provide education should improve their knowledge and awareness in this process.
Thanking the 15 July Association for its contributions to the process, Yazıcı emphasized that the many heroic stories that happened that night should not be forgotten. He expressed that they believe that the protocol will contribute to learning these heroic stories.
Tarık Şebik, Chairman of the July 15 Association, stated that the museum has been visited by thousands of people since the day it was opened, and that the signed protocol will allow the museum to be visited by more students. He stated that, within the scope of the announcement made to schools, a total of 400 students and teachers, 10 groups per day, can visit the museum free of charge during the 2019-2020 academic year.
Memory 15 July Museum
The Memory 15 July Museum, which was opened with a ceremony with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, attracts great attention by conveying the painful events caused by the 15 July coup attempt to the visitors visually and tactilely. At the ground entrance of the museum, which was designed as two floors on an area of 1,500 square meters, there are the names of the July 15 martyrs and their representation with white doves, along with the text "Do not forget". Videos and documentaries about July 15 can be watched on the big screen at the entrance. On the second floor, visitors are warned: "What you will see is your story." The expression meets.
While the museum describes the events of July 15 with materials, the items used by the coup plotters and the martyrs and veterans who fought on that dark night are also exhibited. Visitors can access the photographs and biographies of the martyrs of Memory July 15, as well as information about the history of coups and colonialism, via touch screens. 3D videos about July 15 can be watched in the Martyrdom Awareness Hall. In addition, the museum emphasizes that blows to the will of the nation will cause economic crisis, political instability, social depression, foreign dependence and deviations from national policies in the country. In addition, leaders who stood up against colonialism, including Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, II. Information about names such as Abdulhamid, Aliya Izetbegovic, Mahatma Gandhi and Simón Bolívar is also included in the museum.
While You're At It
In addition to visiting the 15 July Memory Museum, there are many historical sites and museums to explore in and around Istanbul. You can add more historical places and museums to visit in Istanbul to your route by visiting our Istanbul Museums page.
Tüm evlatlarımıza vatan toprağının bölünemeyeceğini, bu vatanı hainlere bırakmayacağımızı, cennet vatanımızın neler yaşadığının anlatıldığı ve yanında Şüheda camii bulunan hafızaları dün gibi diri tutan bir mekan oğluma erken doğum yapmama sebep olan olaydır.Rabbim vatanımızı daima hailerden korusun
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Bu günleri unutmayalım, unutturmayalım. Çok güzel dizayn edilmiş. Bilinçlendirmek için ellerinden geleni yapmışlar. Seminer hazırlamışlar 15 temmuz anıları yansıtılıyor duvara çok duygusal anlar yaşıyorsunuz içerde. Çok kanlar döküldü bu vatan için. Allah devletimize zeval vermesin
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Bahcesine her 15 temmuz şehidi adına bir agac dikilmis.Vatan ,millet şuuru açısından genclerin ozellikle gitmesini öneririm.icerde şehitlerimizin herbirinin ayakkabısıyla karsılasmak bir kez daha içimizi yaktı.bu ülke bir kez daha kurtulduysa o ayakkabıların sahiplerine çok şey borcluyuz.Allah ailelerinin yaralarını sarsın.15 temmuz gecesi , çocugunu kaybeden analar,analarini ,babalarini kaybeden cocuklar ,eşini ,sözlüsünü nişanlısını kaybedenler size hüzün degil gurur yakışır.Gurur duyun bu ülkenin kurtuluşunda sizden bir can var.
Ahh kendimden utanıyorum nasıl daha önce gelmedim o kadar ağladım ki sanki o günü bir daha yaşadık Rabbim sehitlerimize rahmet etsin ülkeme göz diken kim varsa gözü çıksın tuzakları başlarına çevirsin Rabbim... Bu müzede emegi gecen herkese sonsuz şükranla muhteşem ötesi gelip herkes ziyaret etmeli