Ankara Monument, also known as Monumentum Ancyranum; It is also called the Temple of Augustus. It is stated that the articles found on the temple walls are the most complete and undamaged copy. In the articles here, he mentions the activities of the first
Ankara Monument, also known as Monumentum Ancyranum; It is also called the Temple of Augustus. It is stated that the writings on the temple walls are the most complete and undamaged copy. In the articles here, the activities of Augustus, the first Roman Emperor, are mentioned within the Ankara Monument. These manuscripts, which came to the fore with the temple on October 14, 1972; It has also become one of the cultural assets. The original of this work is lost; Other parts are located in the ancient cities of Isparta, Antiokheia and Apollonia.
History of Ankara Monument
The history of Ankara Monument dates back to 1554. Busbecq, who was sent to Anatolia by the Roman Emperor Ferdinand, recorded the text on the temple walls while he was exploring around Ankara. Georges Perrot, who was later sent to the Ottoman Empire during the Napoleonic period, also took notes of this Latin text. Returning to Europe, this name pioneered the printing of the text. In 1859, the Berlin Academy also took part in the attempt to copy the inscription, but had to give up on this issue. However, in this period, molds of the inscription were removed; It is taken to Germany. Hamit Dereli translated this text from Latin into Turkish; He was the one who compiled it into a book under the name Ankara Monument.
Temple of Augustus
Ankara Monument, also known as the Temple of Augustus, this ancient text written by Emperor Augustus before his death, appears to date back to the 14th century AD. It is also stated that these writings on the columns of the Temple of Vesta are a testament. The emperor's will contains instructions on how he wanted his funeral to be carried out. At the same time, his life in his own words is also included in these inscriptions. The last situation of the Roman Empire and the state of the army before his death are also included in these inscriptions.
It is stated that this text was engraved on the Ankara Monument immediately after the death of Augustus. It is thought that this text, which is a six-page inscription, could cover a wall extending to an altitude of 2700 meters. At the same time, the Greek part of this inscription is located within the southwestern outer walls. However, it is also stated that this Greek text is ruined compared to the Latin parts and translation is not possible. Since plaster copies were not possible, no processing could be applied to the inscriptions in this area.
Where is Ankara Monument (Temple of Augustus), Entrance Fee?
Ankara Monument, also known as the Temple of Augustus, is located in the Altındağ district of Ankara province. You can visit the monument every day of the week between 09:00 and 17:00. Entrance to the monument is completely free.
While You're At It
While you are here to visit the Ankara Monument, you can visit many historical places and museums around Ankara. More to visit in Ankara by visiting Ankara Museums page on our website. You can add the historical place and museum to your route.
Roman Emperor Augustus in the Ankara Monument. These writing works, which came to the fore with the temple on October 14, 1972; It has also entered among cultural assets. This work, which is the original; The other parts are located in the ancient cities of Isparta Antiokheia and Apollonia. Busbecq, who was sent to Anatolia by Roman Emperor Ferdinand, records the text on the temple walls while he was discovery on Ankara. Afterwards, Georges Perrot, who was sent to the Ottoman Empire during the Napoleon period, also received this Latin text. This name returning to Europe is leading the printing of the text. In 1859, the Berlin Academy also took part in the attempt to copy the inscription, but has to give up on this issue. However, during this period, the patterns of the inscription were removed; He's being taken to Germany. Hamit Dereli translated this text from Latin language into Turkish; It has been the name that has been a book under the name of Ankara Monument. The Ankara Monument, known as the Temple of Augustus, also known as the Temple of Augustus, is seen as the 14th century Augustus. It is also stated that these writings in the columns of the temple of Vesta are also a testament. There is an instruction on how to make his funeral in the will of the emperor. At the same time, his life from his mouth is among these inscriptions. Before he died, the latest state of the Roman Empire and the state of the army are among these inscriptions. This text, which is a six -page inscription, is thought to cover a wall extending to a height of 2700 meters. At the same time, the Greek part of this inscription is located in the southwest outer walls. However, it is stated that this Greek text is ruined according to the Latin parts and it is not possible to translate. Due to the fact that gypsum copies are not possible, no process has been applied to the inscriptions in this area. It is located in the district of the Altındağdistrict of the province of Ankara . You can visit the monument every day of the week between 09:00 and 17:00. The monument entrances are completely free of charge . & Nbsp; You can add the historical place and the museum to your route.
Hacı Bayram Veli Camiini ziyaret ettiğinizde, hemen yanı başındaki bu nadide anıta da bir göz atmanızı ve hakkında bilgi olan tabelayı okumanızı tavsiye ederim. Ankara için değil, ülkemiz için ayrıcalıklı bir miras.
Hacibayram Veli camiinin gölgesinde kalmış,zamana inat ayakta duruyo.
Restorasyonu yapılarak Ankara'ya yakışır bir şekilde kültür mirası olarak sahip çıkılmalı
Meh the Temple is ruined. And the Iron Bars that protects the Old stone structe are Ugly . Tapınak yıpranmış ve tapınağın eskimiş taşlarını koruyan metaller çok çirkin
Hacı Bayram Camii ve türbesinin hemen arkasında yer alan bu tapınak kalıntılarında günümüze kalmış yüksekçe duvarlardan başka alt tarafta bazı taş ve mermer parçaları var, orijinal halinden de görüntüsünden oldukça uzak
Augustus Tapınağı; Ankara'nın Altındağ ilçesinde, Hacı Bayram Camii'nin hemen bitişiğinde bulunan, tahminen MÖ 25-20 yılları arasında inşa edilmiş bir tapınaktır.İmparator Augustus'un hayattayken yapmış olduğu işleri anlatan Res Gestae Divi Agusti 'nin bir kopyası tapınağın duvarlarına işlenmiş.Roma'daki orjinal kopyası kaybolduğu için bu metnin günümüze ulaşmış tek kopyası buradadır.Bu yüzden tarihçile rtarafından Monumentum Ancyranum - Ankara Anıtı olarak isimlendirilmiştir.Roma Tarihi açısından büyük bir öneme sahip Ankara Anıtı dünya tarihi açısından değerlendirildiğinde kültürel bir mira niteliğinde bulunan bu Tapınak görülmeye değer bir tarihi eser olarak ilgi çekmekte.Ayrıc Augustus Tapınağı hakkındaki videomuzu kanalımız Gezgin Kütüphanede seyretme şansınızda bulunuyor.
Augustus Tapınağı; Ankara'nın Altındağ ilçesinde, Hacı Bayram Camii'nin hemen bitişiğinde bulunan, tahminen MÖ 25-20 yılları arasında inşa edilmiş bir tapınaktır.İmparator Augustus'un hayattayken yapmış olduğu işleri anlatan Res Gestae Divi Agusti 'nin bir kopyası tapınağın duvarlarına işlenmiş.Roma'daki orjinal kopyası kaybolduğu için bu metnin günümüze ulaşmış tek kopyası buradadır.Bu yüzden tarihçile rtarafından Monumentum Ancyranum - Ankara Anıtı olarak isimlendirilmiştir.Roma Tarihi açısından büyük bir öneme sahip Ankara Anıtı dünya tarihi açısından değerlendirildiğinde kültürel bir mira niteliğinde bulunan bu Tapınak görülmeye değer bir tarihi eser olarak ilgi çekmekte.Ayrıc Augustus Tapınağı hakkındaki videomuzu kanalımız Gezgin Kütüphanede seyretme şansınızda bulunuyor.
Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Camiisinin hemen bitişiğinde yer almaktadır. Roma dönemine ait bu yer kültür ve tarih açısından önem arz etmektedir. Şu an mevcut olarak Augustus tapınağı kalıntılarını görebiliyorsunuz. İlk çağ ve Orta Çağ döneminin güzel bir kesişim noktası olan bu yeri görmenizi kesinlikle tavsiye ederim.
@Rota Bul
⚫️Hacı bayram veli cami ile yanyana bulunan Augustos tapınağı 2 farklı dinin kesişim noktasını simgeliyor. ⚫️Benim şahsi görüşüm Tapınak, İslam Dinin simgesi olan Hacı bayram Veli caminin gölgesi altında kalmış. Tapınağa gerekli ilginin gösterilmediğini düşünüyorum. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı bu konu hakkında tapınakla ilgili projeler yapıp tapınağa gerkeli ilgiyi vermeli. ⚫️Tapınağın içine giriş yok sadece dışarıdan bakabiliyorsunuz.