Izmir Ayios Haralambos Church is a historical church that serves religious worship, which is open 24 hours a day in Southwest Izmir. The church was built in the 11th century and was named after the establishment of the temple there by the Ayos, the scalpel Constantine. Today, the church constitutes an important religious and cultural corner for the people of Izmir. Many people are visited by Ayios Haralambos Church for performing daily worship and special ceremonies. Is loved by the people of Izmir. It is quite flashy and some wooden columns are decorated with a single dome roof. In the garden, there are many seating areas and pine trees. As an interior design, it is observed that architectural skills are extremely impressive. Today, a minaret rising in the style of modern Izmir complements the architecture of the church. He's coming here. However, the reason why visitors visit this church is completely different. It is seen that those who have a few days of holidays come here to rest. In addition, it is also possible that the people of Izmir participate in the church to marry in the church. If you are visiting Izmir, we strongly recommend you to visit this church. A very peaceful environment is created in the church. Visitors accept this place as a beautiful place to visit and come here to pray and enjoy the peaceful environment. The general mabit inside is a beautiful place to visit his visit. It is a place where travelers should visit for religious activities and for a unique experience. It is worth staying with the interior design in detailed architecture and the breathtaking view of the garden. & NBSP; tourists visit the church to visit a clean and beautiful environment. It is an important church for the people of Izmir, because they come here for different events and ceremonies. For travelers, we can define this church as a place worth visiting qualified experiences.
Ayios Haralambos Church
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Cok heybetli bir bina ama geçici yada kalıcı olarak kapatilmis, normal bir saatte gelmeme rağmen kapalıydı. Camlarinin ic kismina eski kapılar koymuşlar, sanırım kullanilmayacak artik bu bina, İzmir belediyesi restore etmiş ve kullanima kapatmis gibi bir hava var. Burdan takip edip guncellendiginde tekrar ziyarete gelecegim.
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