1. About Bursa Government House & NBSP;
Bursa is one of the four largest cities of Turkey. Bursa Government House in Bursa is one of the most important historical and cultural heritage of Turkey. The Bursa Government House, which was accepted as the first government mansion of the Ottoman Empire, which was the capital of Bursa, was founded in 1399 as a place where the Ottoman Empire was ruled. The Bursa Government House has been experienced in different time periods at a forgotten date under the sun. Today, Bursa Government House is international importance as Turkey and World Cultural Heritage. The Government House in Bursa includes many protected areas to provide cultural and historical characteristics to Bursa, as well as its uniquely arranged splendid remains. Bursa Government House is worth seeing & NBSP; Some of these are as follows. . The entrance bridge is present in a prehistoric position like the bridge to Karşıyaka, which is decorated with many reliefs and decorations. The Council Room offers visitors to an image that has been protecting itself since the forgotten periods by giving information about the unique white wonder of the Ottoman Empire. Many standing on the Divan Room with great upholstery, decorations and many gardens are unique beauty. Most of the work and the place where people come together. The square, which is adorned with the chimneys and fountains found here, provides a prehistoric atmosphere and ensures that its visitors have an even more memorable experience.
3. Bursa Government House in Bursa Government Mansion & NBSP; > Atatürk House, one of the most famous places of Bursa Government House, is very popular for visiting. This house itself is one of the valuable cultures and historical heritage of Turkey, which has been adopted and adorned by Atatürk. In addition, there is a Atatürk Library in the Bursa Government House. It is possible to make walks between historical houses, castles and various fields and feel beautiful and endless landscape views. In addition, the old Bursa Festival in the region offers a nice entertainment environment. It is a special park dedicated to my grandfather Korkut Story with mask games. In the park, which has an excellent background with its wide garden and walks, the stories of my grandfather Korkut are exhibited at the stands. Thus, it was allowed to start to be guided by visitors to Ottoman history and historical places.
4. The entertainment and activities offered by Bursa Government Mansion to visitors & nbsp;
Bursa Government Mansion offers eye-catching and fun events to its visitors. > Bursa Government House offers tour options to visitors to visit the unique historical Gezi zone owned by the Bursa Government House. The tours were prepared to learn the culture, food and original culture of Bursa. . These include cultural activities such as music concerts, theater shows, workshops, screen screenings and outdoor class lessons. It is famous for its fogs. On the roof of the Bursa Government House, watching the serenity of the landscape as the sun sets offers an unmissable pleasure. It is one of the regions to visit.
Bursa İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü binası Kent meydanı Alışveriş merkezine oldukça yakın konumda bulunan İlkbahar caddesi üzerinde yer almaktadır. Bu cadde ve civarı Bursa'da ki küçük Suriye olarak bilinmektedir. Adres sorabilmek için Arapça pratik yapmanız bile gerekebilir. Telefon ile ulaşıp sorun çözmek biraz zor, araba ile ulaşmak için çevrede otopark kesinlikle yok.
Pasaport bölümünde çalışan Sevil Hanım telefonla bilgi ve evrak istediğimde bilgilerimi aldı emekli hocamızı burada bekletmeyelim siz gelinceye kadar hazırlayayım dedi ve gittiğimde 2 dakika bile beklemedim ne kadar mutlu oldum bilemezsin siniz kendisine bizim böyle çalışkan güleryüzlü insanlara ihtiyacımız var dedim teşekkür ettim
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Beyfendilerin molalarını böldük. Saat 13.15 geçiyor. Biri klimanın karşısında uyuyor. Biri yemekten daha dönmemiş. Soruyoruz izin almıştır diyorlar. İzin alınan kişinin yerine kimse yok.
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