Nevşehir El Nazar Church, which has a specific place among the dazzling natural beauties of Turkey, is a center of touristic attraction that fascinates travelers with admiration. This wonderful church, which is located with the temperate climate surrounding the Engin plain, is an ideal place to hear the feeling of free and eternity. P> The El Nazar Church created using marble and stone blocks using limited resources offers an epic face with its breathtaking richness and splendor. Regardless of which corner you turn, everything shows an excellent silhouette that dazzles as much as possible with its desire. Each corner formed is enriched with symbols, figures and ergonomics in original architecture consisting of square sections and spirals. Multicolored sculptures, wall depictions, reliefs, upholstery, local elements and twelve rose sections. The magnificent view has been put in front of the culture and history of Cappadocia, an eye -catching beauty. This wonderful nature structure, which constitutes the finals of the rich mind design behind the History of Güneri, Zerzevan Valley and all Southern Anatolia, has a fascinating view that will allow tourists to search for photo fountains. Tourists should run to thousands of attraction centers to watch the wonderful subtlety in every aspect of the building, to look at everything and see the wonder of nature. > El Nazar Church takes its name from the concept of “al -Ancın ındaki in the Italian Catholic tradition, which has great meanings. It is thought that the building, which attracts attention with its several versatile structures, was created in the estimated 15th and 16th centuries. It exhibits the characteristics of the magnificent Italian architecture with its fascinating design from the stones, with its carved skillful reliefs, political figures and portraits that should be respected. The walls of the structure are decorated with original white and blue colors that offer an energetic kind of marina. El Nazar Church has a special facility in Turkey because it comes from every country and every culture for many people. Visiting the church offers a very justified reason not only to attract the attention of tourists, but also to respect a cultural heritage. El Nazar Church, which is inflating eyes all over the world with its beauty, elegance and fascination, has become a fascinating area that comes back in a way that no one can imagine. It is a unique wonders of travelers for the photo fountains of the travelers. The incredible architectural structure that combines with the wonderful nature spread over the wide area offers a very amazing and unique experience between its glorious visitors who participate in numerous tourists.
El Nazar Church
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