The Trajan Fountain in the ancient city of Ephesus is a glamorous place of historical, aesthetics and cultural wealth. This place in the depths of history really surprises its visitors. This magnificent fountain, as well as many historical features, the ancient city of Ephesus, where many historical places around, is definitely a place to be seen. >
Ephesus Ancient City is located about 50 km from Izmir. The easiest way to get here is buses or public transportation vehicles departing from Izmir. You can also go by car, but you may not want to leave your vehicle in a heavy traffic. It was built by Roman Emperor Trajan in 109-110. Çeşme is one of the most important public fields of Ephesus and has many important archaeological findings in history. The fountain stands out with its two -storey structure and a round pool. Many different artistic motifs in historical textures also highlight it aesthetically. It is located near the many historical places. You can also visit places such as Hadrian Gate, Efes Museum, Hagia Sophia Museum and Constantine Chapel in the city center of Ephesus. You can also benefit from many remains around it. This special place, where history, aesthetics and culture together in this magnificent office are adorned with a unique beauty that surprises everyone. In addition, visiting many historical places near and around the Trajan Fountain will make your journey to explore this beautiful city even more beautiful.
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efes'in büyüleyici anıtlarından. muhteşem!?
Sanırım bu gelişim 6 olmalı her geldiğimde aynı şeyi hissediyorum ♥️♥️
Antik Efes'te İmparator Traian'ın çok güzel çeşmesi. Selçuk'ta yerel arkeoloji müzesinde heykel gibi bazı parçalar kesinlikle görülmeye değer.
MS 2. yüzyılda inşa edilmiştir. İspanyol kökenli bu imparatorun onuruna. Bir kanaldan diğerine akan iki havuzlu, iki yükseklikte çeşme. Dionysos heykelleri, satirler ve merkezdeki heykelleri bir topun üzerinde duran imparatorun akrabaları ile süslenmiştir (Dünya'nın küreselliğini hissettiler). Hadrian Tapınağı yakınlarındaki Herkül kapısından geçtikten sonra Via de los Curetes üzerinde bulunur. Eski bir güzellik.
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Güzel bir yer . Bazı heykeller hala sapasağlam . Tavsiye ederim