Fatih Çinili Mosque is an indispensable historical place for İzmir with its unique and unique view of Konak Square in the heart of İzmir. In the 18th century, the great sultan of Izmir in the time of the Ottoman Empire Sultan II. This mosque, built by Mahmut, was built in every corner connected to the Gediz River, which is just outside Izmir. İzmir Fatih Çinili Mosque, which has been visited by many visitors for centuries, is shown as one of the most important historical places of Izmir. P>
Fatih Tiled Mosque is a good point to explore Izmir. With its capacity of approximately one thousand people, it has been shown as one of the historical places of Izmir for centuries. In addition to historical ruins, İzmir Fatih Çinili Mosque, which is shown as a high artistic and aesthetic value, has an impressive balance between the Ottoman architecture and contemporary R & D studies in the 19th century. İzmir Fatih Çinili Mosque is shown as an important cultural place for the immigrants in the immediate vicinity, not only for the people of Izmir, not only for the people of Izmir. Among the mosque renovations, İzmir's magical square, rich architectural details and the famous tile wall of Özcan Türkmen are the stage. In addition, the 200 -year -old Ahmetpasa treasure in the mosque area, a large 24 -meter pool with a long stone made of Greece and grows to the horse car, and the tile columns in front of the mosque area are the other beauties of the mosque area. Today's importance is one of the most popular places where historical places come together, where historical places come together. Today, Fatih Çinili Mosque, which is an indispensable part of its extraordinary tourism potential in İzmir, is visited by millions of tourists every year. This is also shown as part of the local cultural structure of Izmir. İzmir Fatih Çinili Mosque, which offers unique aesthetic value with its location close to Konak Square and rich architectural details, hosts millions of tourists every year. To see the unique view of this historical place to come and see among the places to visit.
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Cemaatin hemen hemen tamamını bilirdik, selamlaşırdık, sohbet ederdik. Mahalleden arkadaşlar, komşular, tanıdıklar... Bayram namazlarında yola taşan saflar... Dönerken yoldaki bayramlaşmalar, gevrek fırınının önündeki kuyruk, yaşlılar, gençler... Nasıl geçti bu zaman? Göbeğimi bu caminin bahçesine gömmüş dedem...
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