If you want to learn about the places to visit in Istanbul, you should consider your visit to Istanbul New Mosque. Designed by Architect Kasım Ağa in 1663, the Istanbul New Mosque is one of the most important historical and cultural regions in this city. In this article, we will get some information about where the Istanbul New Mosque is, history, features and activities. and in an impressive place between the Sultanahmet region. This magnificent mosque, which is close to the Sultanahmet Bazaar, can be seen through Eminönü. The surrounding area of the mosque reflects the rare old Turkish architecture. . The design of this mosque was the architect Kasım Ağa in 1663. With the completion of the construction, this magnificent mosque is known to spread over approximately 6 thousand 750 m2. The mosque has been repaired many times, and in the last repair of 2003, all its details have become visible. . This mosque should be laid with Kütahya and Iznik tiles. It has an impressive brick façade and has a six -domed entrance. The middle dome is located between the two minarets and the place before the dome is the highest dome. The mihrab, which is located between the three walls, is made of corn expensive tiles. The interior of the Istanbul New Mosque is decorated with mansions, brick walls and marble columns. used as. The pool and the courtyard of the mosque have been a place where various mass activities of the city were held. The interior of the mosque is used for both the congregation and for prayer. At the same time, the Istanbul New Mosque, which is used for cultural activities, is also a suitable place for touristic trips. It is the perfect place to go to this mosque carefully and go to this mosque, paying attention to those living around the mosque.
Istanbul New Mosque
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