Kefken is a town of Izmit district of Kocaeli and is about 15 km from Gebze. Kefken is famous for its natural beauty, historical places and tourism opportunities. The number of tourists who can come to Kefken to enjoy the magnificent view of the Marmara Sea is increasing day by day. One of Kefken's most important tourism opportunities is undoubtedly the sea. With the beaches in Kefken, the fresh waters of the sea and the restaurants of the sea, cafes and other entertainment venues. The town has a mountainous area and there are mountains of length. Numerous ponds, streams and waterfalls passing through these mountains are the elements that complete the natural beauty of Kefken. It is a town and is an area with many historical monuments. Among the historical places in Kefken are the Churches, Tombs, Castles and walls from the Byzantine period. One of the most important historical places in Kefken is Hacı İbrahim Tomb. The tomb was built in the 16th century and the fountain in front of the tomb is still used today. In addition, Kefken Castle in Kefken is a castle from the Byzantine period and is an important place reflecting the history of the region. It is a region. Every year, thousands of tourists come here to explore Kefken's natural beauties, historical places and entertainment opportunities. Accommodation facilities, restaurants and other tourism facilities in Kefken make it easier for tourists to come here. The beaches in Kefken, the fresh waters of the sea, natural beauties, historical places and entertainment opportunities will facilitate the stay of tourists here. It appears as a region suitable for its visit. There are many opportunities for those who want to explore Kefken to benefit from here.
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İstanbuldan günü birlik kaçanların tercih ettiği yer. Denizi ve sahili tamamen incecik kum. 50 metre açılsanız bile suyun derinliği boyunuzu geçmez. Bu sebepten dolayı Çocuklu ailelerin tercihi. Mahalle içinde çok fazla inşaat olması huzurunuzu kaçirabilir harici Istanbuldan kaçmak için ideal yer
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