Çanakkale Namık Kemal Tomb is located in Bozcaada in Çanakkale. Bozcaada is a beautiful holiday resort on the shores of the Aegean Sea. This tomb, which is one of the most important symbols of the island, was called “Çanakkale Namık Kemal Monument” to remind the effect of Namık Kemal on March 18 in 1884.
Çanakkale Namık Kemal Tomb is a place where local and foreign tourists show great interest. The Çanakkale Namık Kemal Museum next to the grave offers a nice historical background to visitors. This museum, which witnesses the life of the famous poet Namık Kemal and his works, is very important among the museums. These ancient works can be considered as the walls of Taşköprü from the 11th century BC and Methymna from the 6th century BC. Visitors can walk around the grave to see and visit these ancient works. These tours are a suitable opportunity to enjoy the non -immigrant nature of Çanakkale. Visitors who want to explore natural beauties can choose from the famous forest walks around the grave. , sea lovers are also a very attractive place for. The seas near the grave of Çanakkale Namık Kemal offer a suitable environment for snorkeling and diving. In the depths of the sea, all kinds of sea activities can be done for those who want to explore the sea life. Visitors who visit the grave will be very affected by the blending of history and sea air. Çanakkale Namık Kemal Tomb is definitely a place to visit for history lovers, sea lovers and those who want to learn the details of nature travels.
Tanzimat şairi Namık Kemal'in, Gelibolu'ya bağlı Bolayır köyündeki mezarı.
Temiz duzenli ulasim rahat
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Bakıma ihtiyaç var. Park komple elden geçmeli.
Manzarası şahane bu mezarlık bir park içinde, çam ağaçlarının altında. Bolayır’lı Namık Kemal’in ruhuna bir Fatiha da biz okuduk. Allah rahmet eylesin.