Patara located in Kaş district of Antalya; Lycian city civilizations are seen as one of them. It is also stated that this city is the capital of the Lycian Union. The Lycian Union meetings were also realized in the parliament building of the union in this
Patara, located in Kaş district of Antalya; It is seen as one of the Lycian city civilizations. It is also stated that this city was the capital of the Lycian Union. Lycian Union meetings were also held in the union's parliament building in this city.
History of Patara
Patara, which has shown its place in history since the 8th century BC; After archaeological excavations, it can be said that it has such a deep-rooted history and dates back to the Hittite Civilization. It is stated that Patara was also a very important place during the Roman period and was the leader of the Aegean provinces. The ancient city of Patara, which also has an important place in commercial terms; The port was ideally located with its food warehouse. It also developed during the Byzantine period; It has been a human settlement for many years.
Since Patara harbor has been covered with sand over time, it can be seen that all the ruins here have been effectively removed. However, this development during the period is expressed as the main reason why the city gradually lost its importance.
The first communication point throughout Anatolia is located near the parliament building in the city center. The ancient city of Patara, which served as a communication center during the Ottoman period for 7 years, was attacked by the Italian navy in 1911 and became a ruin.
The first discourses about the Ancient City of Patara date back to the 13th century BC. The mention of Patara in Hittite texts was revealed after archaeological studies. At the same time, ceramics found around the city show that this city was a settlement center in the Bronze Age.
Although the ancient city of Patara is located in Antalya, some parts are also within the borders of Muğla. The Roman Triumphal Arch, one of the most magnificent ruins, is located within the borders of Gelemis Village. In addition to this work, which was built in the 1st century AD, the basilica and sacred areas also stand out. Monumental tombs and the old port are also located within the borders of Muğla. It can be said that the ancient city of Patara is geographically at the center of the two cities, and this situation comes to the fore.
The entrance to the present-day ruins of the city is made through the magnificent and well-preserved Roman Triumphal Arch. WORK. It is understood from the inscriptions that it was built in the name of the regional governor in 100 years. On the slopes of the hill to the west of Tak, there is a cemetery area with Lycian type sarcophagi. The theater, which is leaning on Kurşunlu Hill at the southernmost tip of the city, was built in AD after the earthquake. It is understood from the inscriptions that it was rebuilt in 147.
Kurşunlu Hill, where the theater leans, is the most beautiful corner from which to watch the general view of the city. Other ruins of the city from here; The Baths of Vespasian, the Corinthian Temple, the main street, the port and the granary can be easily viewed. The granary (granarium) behind the swamp in the northwest of the hill is one of the surviving monumental structures of Patara and was built by Emperor Hadrian and his wife Sabina in AD. It was built in the 2nd century. To the north of the theater is the Parliament Building, where Patara, the capital of the Lycian Union, hosts meetings. The city's water was brought from the rocks on the Kızıltepe slope, near İslamlar Village, approximately 20 kilometers northeast. Between the source and the city, north of Fırnaz pier; The section of the neighborhood called "Delik Kemer" is the most monumental section of the waterways.
Where is Patara Ancient City, Entrance Fee?
Patara Ancient City, also known as Patara Ruins, is located in Kaş district of Antalya province. You can visit the Ancient City every day of the week between 08:00 and 20:00. The entrance fee to the Ancient City is 90 TL for 1 adult. Museum Card holders can visit for free.
While You're At It
While you are here to visit the Ancient City of Patara, you can visit many historical places and museums around Antalya. More to visit in Antalya by visiting Antalya Museums page on our website. You can add the historical place and museum to your route.
. It can be said that it has such a deep -rooted history after archaeological excavations and based on the Hittite Civilization. It is stated that Patara was also a very important place in the Roman period and was the leadership of the Aegean states. The ancient city of Patara, which has an important commercial place in terms of commercial terms; The harbor was in an extremely ideal form with its food store. Byzantine during the Byzantine period; It can be seen that all the ruins here have been removed effectively due to the coating of Patara Port with sand over time. However, this development is expressed as the main reason for the loss of importance to the city. Local-Net-101-1.jpg """"Alt ="""" Patara """"srcset ="""" 1600W, https: // cdn 768W, JPG 1536W """"Sizes ="""" 100VW """"width ="""" 100%"">
near the parliament building in the city center is the first communication point in Anatolia. The ancient city of Patara, who served as a communication center in the Ottoman period for 7 years, was attacked by the Italian navy in 1911. The name Patara in the Hittite texts also emerged after archeology studies. At the same time, the ceramics around the city show that this city is the settlement center in the Bronze Age. Roman triumpday, which is one of the most magnificent remains in the borders of Gelmiş Village, is located. In addition to this work built in the 1st century AD, the basilica and the sacred areas are also manifested. Monument tombs and the old harbor are also located on the borders of Muğla. It can be said that the ancient city of Patara is in the center of the two cities in the geographical point of view, and this situation comes to the agenda. WORK. It was understood from the inscriptions that it was built in the name of the regional governor in 100 years. On the slopes of the hill to the west of TAK, the cemetery area with the Lycian type sarcophagi extends. The theater leaning against Kurşunlu Tepe at the southernmost end of the city after the earthquake It is understood from the inscriptions that it was rebuilt in 147. From here the other ruins of the city; Vespasian bath, Corinth temple, main street, port and cereal warehouse can be easily monitored. The grain warehouse behind the swamp to the northwest of the hill (Granarium) is one of the monumental structures of Patara today. It was built in the 2nd century. To the north of the theater, Patara, the capital of the Lycian Union, is located in the Parliament building, which is hosted by meetings. The water of the city was brought from the rock on the Kızıltepe slope near the village of Islam, near the village of Islam, about 20 kilometers northeast. Between the source and the city, north of the Fırnaz Pier; The neighborhood is the most monumental part of the waterways. /strong> is located in Kaş district of the province. You can visit the ancient city between 08:00 and 20:00 every day of the week. The entrance fee to the ancient city is 1 for adult 90 TL. Museum card holders can visit free of charge. & Nbsp; You can add the historical place and the museum to your route.
Müze kartınız varsa ücretsiz ,diğer türlü haftalık giriş ya da günlük bedeli ödeyip giriş yapabilmektesiniz. Likya birliği ne başkentlik yapmış olan Patara , tarihinde ilk meclis binasına sahip olmakla bilinir. Döneminde limana sahipken bugün denizin taşıdığı alüvyonlarla liman eski görünüme sahip değildir. Kent Hristiyan topluluklarınca da önemlidir çünkü Noel babanın burada doğduğu bilinir. Son dönemlerde yapılan kazılarda Anadolu'nun ilk telsiz istasyonunun burada kurulduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. En heyecan verici özelliklerinden biri de antik dönemden itibaren ayakta kalmayı başarabilen Deniz Feneri 'nin bulunmasıdır. Sahilde yüzmek isterseniz zaman zaman plaj dalgalı olabilmektedir o sebeple dikkatli olun. Carettaların yumurtlama alanlarından biri de Patara plajıdır. Antik kente girişte otopark bulunmaktadır. Yaz aylarında özellikle bayramda çok yoğun bir bölge, giriş te uzun bir araç kuyruğu oluşabiliyor o sebeple daha sakin zamanlarda mutlaka gezilip görülmeli. Müzenin kafeteryasında çalışanlarımız da güleryüzlü ve ilgililer.
Mekan muhteşem ama işletme çok başarısız. Belki doğa dostu bir çözüm olarak broşür ve kişisel harita kaldırılmış olabilir ama en azından digital çözümler üretilebilir. Herkes telefonundan takip edebilir nereyi gezdiğini. Bilgilendirme çok yetersiz, boş boş geziyorsunuz. Türkiye’de gelişmeyen müzecilik anlayışı burada da kendini gösteriyor. 2020 yılı patara yılı ilan edilecek kadar önemseniyor ama enteresan şekilde turist bilgilendirme alanları (ziyaretçi karşılama merkezi demeyi tercih etmişler) depo olarak kullanılıyor. Bu kadar kıymetli bir alanı buranın işletmesi maalesef çok başarısız şekilde temsil ediyor. Ayrıca İngilizce tabela kullanımı da çok yetersiz. Sadece Türkler mi ziyaret etsin burayı? Hem Türkiye turizm vizyonu hem de kapsayıcılık bakımından özellikle turist bilgilendirme ofisindeki tabelalara İngilizce de eklenmeli diye düşünüyorum.
Fethiye kaş karayolu üzerinde kalan bu antik kent kesinlikle zamab ayırıp uğranması gereken bir durak. Zamanında Likya Birliğine başkent olmuş bu antik kentte eyaletlerin temsilcilerinin toplandığı meclis binasını, anfi tiyatroyu ve liman yolunu mutlaka gezmenizi tavsiye ederim. İstwrseniz anfi tiyatronun yanındaki toprak yolu tırmanarak seyir tepesine de çıkıp manzaraya yukarıdan bakabilirsiniz. gezerken belli yerlerde hala daha kazı çalışmaları devam ediyordu. Kalıntılar arasına tahta yürüyüş yolu yapılarak geziyi kolay hale getirmişler. Nereye gidicem nerden başlamalıyım derdini ortadan kaldırmışlar. Antik kenti gezdikten sonra sahil tarafına geçip otoparka arabanızı bırakıp sahile geçip kum tepelerini görebilir, orada fotoğraf çekilebilir ve plajından faydalanıp denize girebilirsiniz. Aynı anda birden fazla etkinliği içinde barındıran bir mekan. Müze kartınız var ise herhangi bir ücret ödemeniz gerekmiyor ve içeri girdiğinizde otoparklar ücretsiz. Öğretmen kartınız varsa yanınızda getirmenizi tavsiye ederim diğer ören yerleri gibi ücretsiz geçiş şansı oluyor.
Kaş otogardan belli saatlerde kalkan minibüslerle yaklaşık kişi başı 33 tl fiyatla gidiyorsunuz. 1saat kadar sürüyor biz ilk minibüsle 08.05 hareket ettik. Aşırı sıcak öğlene kalmayın, tabi biz sadece antik kent gezisi yaptık, denize girmedik. Sahilde cafede su 10 tl, soda 15 tl. Seyyar limonatacı limonata 60 tl dedi. İnsanları mahrumiyet bölgesi diye sömürüyorlar tek puanı bu yüzden kırıyorum . Antik kente girişte müzekart geçerli.. Dönüşümüz biraz çile oldu minibüs saatleri arası çok fazla, fazla bekledik. Onun dışında antik kent kesinlikle görülmeli. Tersanesi, hurma ağaçları, meclisi ve tiyatrosu şahane.
Müze kart geçerli girişi kaçırıp sahile doğru gitmeyin otopark var oraya dönmeniz gerekiyor güzel bir cafe tarzı alan yapmışlar diğer müzelerde pek rastlamadım . Mimarisi de güzel görünüyordu . WC var temiz. Antik kent zaten çok güzel tiyatrosu kent kapısı beni büyüledi özellikle kent kapısı müze kartın üzerindeki eser..
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