Edirne Selimiye Arasta Bazaar is one of the most established and popular historical cities in Turkey. Thanks to its traditional architectural features, it is a wonderful place intertwined with its environment. Located in the heart of the city, this historical Arasta Bazaar is in a very important position, especially in terms of places to visit. It is home to many degrees of historical places from Nezih neighborhoods to the ruins of the Grand Bazaar and even the old houses on the long streets. The area where the area is located is located in the center of the city. It is close to the Selimiye Mosque. In general, there are shops selling souvenirs, antiques, books, leather products and other gift small home accessories. If the small cafes or food shops in the Arasta bazaar are mentioned, the unpleasant flavors of famous bread, sausage and sausage buttermilk, butter and fruits are waiting for those who come.
Edirne Selimiye Arasta Bazaar, between the long and corridor streets is very enjoyable. In this bazaar where you can enjoy fine details, you can observe the history of this place and refer to those days. This place, which is tried to be protected and envied in accordance with the historical texture, has a modern appearance with its beautiful colorful and characteristic features. Wandering is a unique experience. Here you can see historical buildings, old houses, cane houses, restaurants and small shops. You can see the magnificent mosques and tombs all over the city. In short, you can see how much the places to visit in Edirne Selimiye Arasta Bazaar are. It deserves to be visited as a decent and different place. This bazaar, which has been visited, is still a very attractive ride place today with its historical texture and private stores. With the revival of the spreading tourism, it is possible to wait for Edirne Selimiye Arasta Bazaar to attract more attention every year.
Edirne'de gelip Selimiye camisini görüpte buraya girmemek olmaz mutlaka görülmeli
Sıcak kanlı esnafları ve bayraklarla donatılmış dükkanlar,cıvıl cıvıl.
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Tarihi bir mekan. Hediyelik eşya alabileceğiniz bir yer. Ama iyice gezmeden almayın, aynı şeyin fiyatı bir kaç dükkan ötede daha uygun olabiliyor. Esnafı hiç pazarlık ve indirim yapmıyor.
Hediyelik binlerce ürün. En çok kavala kurabiyesi ve badem ezmesi satıcısı var.
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