Ankara St. John The Baptist Church is one of the most important and old church buildings in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. It was built by those called Kizilbas in the 14th century, but it was restored by the Catholics living in that region in the 17th century. Currently, Turkey's capital, Ankara is only 50 meters away from the Red Crescent Square. John The Baptist Church has been recorded as a popular route with nearby restaurants, cafes, jazz clubs and many other tourist places. p> Ankara St. The John The Baptist Church is considered one of the oldest church buildings in Turkey. It has a well -established architectural style from Anatolian civilizations and is part of the long historical heritage around it. After an entrance on the southeast front, the interior consists of a large dome. In addition to the main building, there is a small church built in the center of the open area in the 14th century. Located in the Kızılay Square and built in the 16th century, close to the Kizilbas library, Ankara St. John The Baptist Church attracts the attention of visitors with its architectural features, historical heritage and quality workmanship. John The Baptist Church offers plenty of tourist activity to its visitors. Organized by various tourist guides, touristic trips offer a fun and instructive experience that introduces this Church and other old church buildings around it. In addition, because it is equipped with a comprehensive and safe system to help the disabled, Ankara St. John The Baptist Church can be easily visited by visitors from different age groups. John The Baptist Church offers visitors to many tourist and cultural fields around him. The church museum on one floor of the entrance building is a museum where a part of the Byzantine Empire spread to the territory of today's historical heritage. In addition, the Ethnography Museum, Historical Bazaar, Archeology Museum and some psychiatric hospitals around the Church rapidly increases its popularity as places to visit. Ankara St. The John The Baptist Church is considered an ideal route for visitors about the cultural and historical heritage in Ankara.
St. John The Baptist Church
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