Istanbul Assyrian Ancient Mary Church is part of the oldest Christian culture of the South East Europe and the Middle East. M.S. The church, built in the 3rd century, has become one of the touristic attraction points of Istanbul with its rich historical, elegant architecture and important places to visit. In this article, it is aimed to provide a good guidance to the readers to learn more about the Ancient Mary Church of Istanbul Syriac. The church is located in Narlıkapı Square of Istanbul. M.S. In the 3rd century, the stone walls of the present church, which was much larger and more comprehensive, were Christian disciples from Syria and Mesopotamia. The church became even greater when the Byzantine Emperor Justinian was renewed by the Emperor Justinian in the 5th century. VII. century, Syriac Church, Hz. It has been turned into a mosque in memory of the crucifixion of Mary, the mother of Jesus, or in memory of 'Tekvin'. It is one of the tourist touristic places of Istanbul. The church is made of stone material and has very special touches on his back. The interior is covered with geometric patterns, multi -colored mosaics, Andalusian style motifs and natural stone properties. In addition, there are paintings and frescoes of important people of Christian history in the interior of the church. This name is due to the prayer and worship of the disciples coming from the church, the church illuminated from the windows on the back. organizes many Christian festivals every year. The most important of these include the Easter Festival, Christmas Festival, the birthday of Mary, and the crucifixion of the Virgin Mary. These activities enable the disciples in the church and all Christians to celebrate the most important days and nights in Christian history. It has become one of the oldest and most important tourist tourist attractions. In the garden of the church, a great ride is provided not only with the history and architecture of Istanbul, but also with the historical and cultural richness of Istanbul. In the garden of the church, there are stone structures, mosaics and many historical monuments of the Emperor Justinian. In addition, there are many works of Christian culture, which is the masterpiece of numerous wood sculptures, historical columns and architectural details in the garden. The Syriac Ancient Mary Church is protected as part of the oldest Christian culture in the Middle East and South East Europe. The church has become one of the most important tourist tourists of Istanbul. It is a great opportunity to experience a luxury experience once for tourists and architectural lovers coming to Istanbul with its comprehensive history, elegant architecture and places to visit.
The Ancient Church of the Virical Mary
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