Anatolia has served as a living space for people for thousands of years, and one of the places that best proves this fact is the Ephesus Ruins. If you want to see one of the seven wonders of the world and visit a magnificent city that was the capital of Anatolia thousands of years ago, Ephesus Ruins will be the ideal address for you. The magnificent ruins of this city can offer you an unforgettable experience.
The Ancient City of Ephesus was recently included in the World Heritage List, which made the city even more popular. Ephesus, known for hosting the Temple of Artemis, is one of the popular destinations for visitors. This magnificent architecture, whose ruins from the Roman and Hellenistic periods survive to the present day, will take you to a completely different world.
Ephesus Ruins
Ephesus has been a place where people lived from the Hellenistic period to the Roman, Byzantine, Principality and Ottoman periods. While located on the important trade routes of Anatolia, Ephesus was also an important trade center. Ephesus, which was considered the trade center of the world for a long time, was visited by millions of people every year.
The history of the Ancient City of Ephesus dates back to B.C. It dates back to 7000 BC. This city, which played an important role in the fields of science, art and culture as well as trade, has left magnificent works to the present day. You should not hesitate to include this city, which is a magnificent gateway between East and West, in your travel route.

One of the 7 Wonders of the World
Ephesus is an extremely magnificent metropolis as the Anatolian capital of Antiquity. This mega ancient city, with its unique architectural works that have survived for thousands of years, has even entered the World Heritage List. The fact that it is home to one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, such as the Temple of Artemis, further increases the importance of Ephesus. In the Ephesus Archaeological Site, there are symbols of high level urbanization, architecture and religious history belonging to various civilizations, especially the Hellenistic and Roman periods.
Both a Political and Commercial Center
Ephesus was inhabited continuously from prehistoric times to the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine (Eastern Roman), Principalities and Ottoman periods and has always been a political and commercial center. B.C. Ephesus, which has played an important role in the fields of science, culture and art throughout its history stretching back 7000 years, is one of the most important metropolises of the ancient world. Located in a strategic position between East and West (Asia and Europe), Ephesus has constantly developed without losing this advantage.
Excavations in the ancient city, which hosts an average of 1.5 million visitors every year, are approaching 125 years. Ephesus, which has not yet been completely unearthed, continues to bring new discoveries and information to Anatolian archeology.
Celcus Library, Ancient Theater and More
The Ancient City of Ephesus, which is three kilometers apart, has two main gates called "lower" and "upper". The most famous building identified with this ancient city is the "Celcus Library", which draws attention with its enormous columns. M.S. This library, dating back to the 2nd century, is one of the most important libraries of ancient times after the libraries of Alexandria and Pergamon. Hadrian's Gate and Hadrian's Temple, built in the name of Emperor Hadrian, are also located on Curetes Street and are among the important buildings.
Ruins such as the Artemision, a large theater with a seating capacity of approximately 25 thousand people, a stadium, commercial and state agoras, the Prytaneum housing the Temple of Hestia, the sacred fire of the city, an odeon (parliament and concert hall) with a capacity of approximately 1800 people and the ancient port are also worth seeing in Ephesus. are among other important structures.
Yamachevler, located within the borders of Ephesus Ruins, has its own separate entrance. Mary's Church, at the Ecumenical Council in 431. It is known as the place where Mary was accepted and declared as the mother of Jesus, and this church should definitely be visited.
Different Historical Buildings, Different Experiences
The Ancient City of Ephesus, located 3 kilometers away between the lower and upper gates, is home to many magnificent ruins. Among these ruins, the Celcus Library is one of the most important structures. M.S. Built in the 2nd century, this library is considered one of the most important libraries of that period. Hadrian's Gate and Hadrian's Temple, located on Curetes Street, are also among the important structures of Ephesus.
The Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the world, is a structure large enough to seat approximately 25 thousand people and may have been used for purposes such as a theatre, stadium or temple. Prytaneum has an assembly and concert area for approximately 1800 people and is one of the other important buildings in Ephesus.
Where is the Ancient City of Ephesus?
The Ancient City of Ephesus is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. This world-famous historical Ancient City is located in the Selçuk district of Izmir province. It is 83 km away from the city center and 4 km away from the district center.
Ephesus Ancient City Entrance Fee
The entrance fee to the Ancient City of Ephesus is 200 TL for 1 adult. The entrance fee to Efes Hillside Houses is 65 TL. You can visit the Ancient City between 08:00 and 20:00 in the morning. Museum Card holders can enter for free
While You're At It
Şirince, located in Selçuk district, is one of the famous villages of Turkey. The village was inhabited by immigrants after the Greeks left as a result of the 1923 Turkey-Greece Population Exchange. Known for viticulture, winemaking and olive growing, Şirince has gained a touristic identity especially since the 1990s. The architectural structure of the village is remarkable and the Greek houses serve as hostels. By visiting Şirince, you can closely experience the atmosphere and history of this beautiful village. You can also get information about other historical places and museums to visit in Izmir by visiting our Izmir Museums page.
Efes antik kentini gezip Selçuk Efes müzesine gitmemek olmaz Müze kart geçerli. Efes ve yakın çevresinde bulunan Miken, Arkaik, Klasik, Hellenistik, Roma, Bizans, Selçuklu ve Osmanlı devirlerine ait önemli eserlerin yanı sıra kültürel faaliyetleri ve ziyaretçi kapasitesi ile de Türkiye'nin en önemli müzelerinden biridir. Efes Müzesi'nin ağırlıklı olarak bir antik kentin eserlerini sergileyen müze olması nedeniyle kronolojik ve tipolojik bir sergileme yerine, eserlerin buluntu yerlerine göre sergilenmeleri tercih edilmiştir. Buna göre salonlar, “Yamaç Evler ve Ev Buluntuları Salonu”, “Sikke ve Hazine Bölümü”, “Mezar Buluntuları Salonu”, “Efes Artemisi Salonu”, “İmparator Kültleri Salonu” olarak düzenlenmiştir. Bu salonların yanı sıra müzenin iç ve orta bahçelerinde, çeşitli mimari eserler ve heykeltıraşlık eserleri, bahçe dekoru içinde ve uyumlu olarak sergilenmektedir.
Eserler ve gruplamalar,notlar çok iyi.Bu kadar değerli eseri bir arada gormek harika.Alam daha geniş olma imkanı olsa çok daha büyük bir görsel şölene dönüşebilir di eserler.Almanya Pergamon müzesinde bizden giden eserlerin en ufagina ayrılan yer kadar,bizdeki muzede en büyük tek parça halinde çıkan eserlerle aynı nerdeyse.Bazi yerlerdeki ışıklandırma eserleri görmek için çok ama çok yakına gelmeyi zorunlu kılıyor.Bu konu tekrar gözden geçirilebilir.Ayni salonda aynı anda 10 kişi anca sığabilir.Buda toplu gezen gezi ekipleri içi n sıkıntı.Başlangic için iyi,ama böyle kıymetli eserler için geliştirilmesi gereken bır müze.Mutlaka görün derim.Ama mutlaka...
Burayı gezerken vaktiyle dünyanın en kalabalık şehri olduğunu ve kalıntıların sağlam halini gözünüzde canlandırırarak geziniz. M. Ö. 300 de 200000 nüfusa sahipti, İstanbul ise fethedildiğinde 30000di. Girmeden önce yanınıza su ve şapha alınız. Altı kaymayan ayakkabı ve terlik seçiniz. Sonuna kadar yürüdüğünüzde kentin1/1500lük replikası da var.
Konum olarak iyi bir yerde hemen girişinde ücretli otopark var 25 TL ama biz arka sokağında park edebildik. Müzenin dizaynı çok iyi içindeki eserler zaten eşsiz. Muhakkak görülmeli.
EFES MUHTESEM BIR YER GEZINIZ ORTALAMA 3-4 Saat bulabilir İkamet Ve ya Turk Kimliğiniz varsa mutlaka Müze kart alın 60 TL İÇERİSİ BİRAZ PAHALI GİRMEDEN SU ALIN BENCE LİMONATA 65 lira kola ve diğerleri keza öyle Tarih seviyorsanız mutlaka görün
Efes Müzesi, Türkiye'nin İzmir iline bağlı Selçuk'ta bulunan bir müze. Yakınlarında bulunan Efes kazı alanındaki buluntulara ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. En bilinen eser, Efes'teki Artemis Tapınağı'nda bulunan Artemis heykelidir. Müze, arkeoloji ve etnografya olarak iki bölüme ayrılmaktadır. Müze ücretlidir, müze kart geçerlidir. Selçuk otogarının önünde bulunmakta, Efes Antik Kentinden çıkarılan önemli eserler sergilenmektedir. Kenti gezmeden müzeyi gezmenizi tavsiye ederim. Ephesus is open to visitors every day of the week, and visiting hours may vary depending on the summer and winter seasons. It is closed until noon on the first day of religious holidays.