The Tigris River is a river between the Euphrates and Tigris, which is accepted as a common point of Anatolia and the Arabian Peninsula. The Tigris, which has been accepted as an important basin throughout history, is one of the oldest and most important places in the history of Middle East. Today, due to a connection between Europe and Asia, it supports the economic development of the surrounding countries. Hundreds of thousand -year -old grapes, bird paradises, ancient cities and proven prominent places, that is, history and nature are in the riches of tourism. The view of the Tigris River, which is famous for its slice, piers, beaches and rich fathoms in Tigris bed, is one of the most beautiful places to visit in the region. Tourists who are willing to go can make water drawers from fire on the Tigris River. Those who want to capture the chances of canoe races and rafting can walk around the endless routes containing small rivers flowing over the big river. Most of these sports offer a good opportunity to get fun and educational information about the beauties of nature on the Tigris River. This wonderful place is offered to explore the leading ancient cities of the Middle East and to see the old settlements around it. According to some beliefs, the Hittites, which are considered the first architecture of the country, are among the ancient works near the Tigris River. In addition, the old Babylon ruins and a large number of tombs of thousands of years of historical appearance from ancient times are attractive to visit this region. & NBSP; from Naharve National Park in Northeast Iraq to the Aras Forest National Park in Southeast Iraq, there are many waterfalls and picnic areas where nature enthusiasts can explore the most beautiful valleys. They are popular. Culture and transport boats on the shores of the Tigris can be embarrassed to explore historical places and ancient paradise. The Tigris River offers attractive landscapes to many visitors, including the Arabian Peninsula and Turkey. With its hundreds of thousand years of historical culture, it is a river where it is located in the middle of extremely various landscapes. It is worth seeing once to realize their beauties.
Tigris River
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Diyarbakır'dan geçen Dicle Nehri, kış aylarının kurak geçmesi, Ilısu Barajı’nın altında kalacak olan tarihi Hasankeyf ilçesinde yapılan 'kültürel varlık' çalışması nedeniyle Dicle Barajı’ndan su verilmemesi nedeniyle kuruma aşamasına geldi. Ne olur bilinçlenelim. O kdar güzel bir yerin neden bakımı pranımı yapılmaz gerçekten aklım almıyor. Ülkemizin her yeri çok güzel Doğu ayrı bir güzel...
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