Samsun City Museum is a historical museum in İlkadım district of Samsun. It is a museum where the outgoing people can visit with great pleasure and have a lot of information when they leave. People who want to have information about the general structure of
Samsun City Museum is a historical museum located in İlkadım district of Samsun. It is a museum that visitors can visit with great pleasure and gain a lot of information when they leave. People who want to have information about the general structure of Samsun can visit this museum with peace of mind. They can also see many documents and photographs of Samsun during the trip. Although it is not a very old museum, visitors from all over the country come constantly. It attracts many tourists not only from within the country but also from Europe. Samsun City Museum, which was opened in 2013, hosted 20 thousand visitors within 2 months from the first day. It was also deemed worthy of an award by the Historical Cities Association. It has earned the right to be one of the 6 most prestigious museums in Europe.
What's in Samsun City Museum?
The museum attracts a lot of attention with what it contains. At the same time, its exterior design and design are equally interesting. The old TCDD building in Samsun was restored and turned into a museum in a short period of 9 months. But what is in this museum? There are many valuable documents, photographs and objects in the museum. If you want to get information inside the museum, many museum staff will be there to help you. At the same time, thanks to the electronic guide system, you can easily be informed about everything in the museum. If you want to have in-depth information about Samsun, the first place you should visit is Samsun City Museum. From the moment you enter, you will see that the museum consists of 7 sections. The first thing you will encounter are celebrities from Samsun. Afterwards, many information, pictures and documents related to the War of Independence and Samsun's past will be presented to you in chronological order. In addition, one of the most important features of Samsun is its tobacco industry history. You can have detailed information about tobacco farming.
Samsun City Museum Entrance
You do not need to pay any fee for Samsun City Museum entrance. It is open to visitors every day of the week. It is open between 12.00 and 17.00 on Mondays and between 08.00 and 16.30 on other days of the week.
While You're At It
While you are here to visit Samsun City Museum, you can visit many historical places and museums around Samsun. More to visit in Samsun by visiting Samsun Museums page on our website. You can add the historical place and museum to your route.
can visit this museum with peace of mind. They can also see many documents and photos of Samsun during the trip. Although it is not a very old museum, visitors come from all over the country. It attracts many tourists not only from the country but also from Europe. The Samsun City Museum, which was opened in 2013, opened 20 thousand visitors within 2 months from the first day. It was also awarded by the Union of Historical Cities. He was entitled to be one of the 6 most prestigious museums in Europe. -2.jpg """"Alt ="""" Samsun City Museum "">
What are the Samsun City Museum? At the same time, its exterior design and design are as interesting. It was converted into a museum by restoring the former TCDD building in Samsun in a short period of 9 months. But what's in this museum? There are many valuable documents, photographs and objects in the museum. If you want to get information in the museum, many museums will be there to help you. At the same time, thanks to the electronic guide system, you can easily be aware of everything in the museum. If you want to have in -depth information about Samsun, the first place you should visit is the Samsun City Museum. From the moment you enter, you will see that the museum consists of 7 parts. You will first come across celebrities who are Samsunlu. Afterwards, many information and documents will be presented to you in the Chronological Date related to the War of Independence and the past of Samsun. In addition, one of the most important features of Samsun is the background of tobacco. You can have detailed information about tobacco. It is open to visitors every day of the week. While serving between 12.00 and 17.00 on Mondays, the other days of the week serve between 08.00 and 16.30. You can visit the museum. & Nbsp; You can add the historical place and the museum to your route.
- Kenti tanıtan güzel bir müze - Öğrenciye giriş 3 ₺ - Bir binasında daha çok tarihiyle yazı şeklinde bahsediliyor. - Diğer binadaysa daha çok heykeller bulunuyor. - Samsun tarihindeki binalardan, başkanlardan, demografik verilerden, ulaşımdan, yemeklerden, atatürk döneminden bahseden odalar var. - Gezmek 1 saate yakın sürüyor.
TCDD tarafından lojman olarak kullanılan tarihi yapılar Samsun Büyükşehir Belediyesinin Tarihi Kentler Birliği danışmanlığında Samsun Kent Müzesi Olarak şehre kazandırdığı önemli çalışmalardan biri. Tarihsel bir skala içersinde oda oda düzenlenen iki ana bina ve ara bağlantı alanları ile komplike bir müze. Fotoğraflar tarafımdan farklı tarihlerde çekilmiş olup öncesi ve sonrasına ait bir kaç görseli paylaşmak istiyorum.
Müze ve müze kafe... Şehir içinde hem ziyaret hem de dinlenmelik yer... Kafe kısmında çeşitlilik az ama fiyatlar makul.
Ben müze seven insanım, gerçekten tatmin edici bir müze burası. Kafe vat içeride ve fiyatları çok uygun ferah bir bahçesi var. Tuvaletleri de çok temiz, giriş ücreti çok az.
Daha fazla reklama ihtiyacı olan bir yer. Belediye işletmeleri bu konuda biraz zayıf kalıyor. Samsun’a geldiğinizde uğrayacağınız bir yer olarak notlarınıza düşebilirsiniz.
Müzeye giriş ücreti öğrenci 3 TL ve ulaşımı oldukça kolay Samsun'a dair birçok bilgiyi ( sosyal,demografik,kültürel...) öğrenebileceğiniz oldukça güzel bir yer. kafetarya bölümü de mevcut. Denemedim ancak fiyatlarının oldukça uygun olduğunu dışardaki menü tabelası sayesinde öğrendim .
Gayet güzel bir müzeydi danışmadaki arkadaş nasıl bir rota izlememizi söyledi 2 bina var 2 binadada 3 kat var Samsun'un tarihini vs anlatıyor güncel fiyat öğrenci 3 tam 7 TL